Monday 1 March 2010

Forgotten fillet steak

A forgotten, frozen fillet steak was found in the freezer.

Fillet steak (left over from two, reduced to £5.29)
Banana shallot
Half a fresh red chilli
Piece of garlic

  • Gently defrost steak.
  • Dice shallot, crush and slice garlic and slice chilli.
  • Dash some oil in a pan.  Fry onions.  Then add garlic and chilli.  Then add steak.
  • Generously season steak with fresh ground black pepper and salt.
  • Fry on each side for as long as desired (perhaps a minute each side)
  • Rest the steak under foil for a few minutes.
  • Serve with accompaniment.
Total cost: £2.65

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