Monday 26 April 2010

Squid antipasto with lemon and chilli

This reduced squid was lurking in the freezer and something needed doing with it!  It was such a small amount that making an antipasto starter seemed ideal.


Squid (reduced from £1.54 to 79p)
Fresh red chilli (leftover in fridge)
Quarter of fresh lemon (leftover in fridge)
Parsley (fresh from garden)
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
  • Slice squid and fry on cast iron skillet.  Season and drizzle with fresh lemon juice.
  • Let squid cool completely.  Cut into smaller pieces. 
  • Mix with olive oil, fresh lemon juice, chopped chilli, chopped parsley and sliced lemon rind. 
  • Season and refridgerate, ideally overnight.
Total cost: 79p

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