Thursday 3 June 2010

Poached fish fillets with charred vegetables and poached egg

A profoundly simple and quick light supper, which could be bulked up with the addition of potatoes.

Ingredients (Served two):
2 smoked haddock fillets - reduced by 50%, £1.40
Sugar snap peas - reduced by 50%, 65p
Baby sweetcorn - reduced by 50%, 65p
2 eggs - 40p
Milk (enough to cover the fish)
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper
Whole grain mustard

Fry the sweetcorn and sugar snap peas on quite a high heat with a generous glug of olive oil, a splash of balsamic vinegar and a teaspoon of whole grain mustard.  Season with salt and pepper.

Either in a pan or in a microwave, poach the fish fillets in milk until cooked.  (The fish could be poached in water).

Poach an egg.


Total cost: £3.10

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