Tuesday 18 October 2011

Chorizo, potato and king prawn casserole

A hearty and delicious stew, which can be eaten by itself or with bread or rice.

1 chorizo sausage - gift.  (From Lidl 1.49)
1 onion - 25p
King prawns - reduced from 2.99 to 39p
Fresh chilli - leftover in fridge
Lemon - 25p
Red wine - leftover in bottle
2 medium potatoes - 20p
Tin of tomatoes - 35p
Chicken stock cube

Peel and slice the potatoes - quite small, perhaps inch cubes, so they'll cook quickly!  Par boil them.
Chop the onion and slice the chorizo (remove its skin!). Fry the onion til softened, and add the chorizo, so the chorizo juices colour and flavour the onion.
Put the tinned tomato, chicken stock and some red wine into a pan, and heat til nearly boiling.  Then add the potato.
Add the chorizo and onion, and add a generous squeeze of lemon juice.  Add the finely chopped fresh chilli.
Let simmer gently on the hob until the potato is cooked. 
Just before it is ready, fry the prawns over a gentle heat until cooked and then add them to the stew.
*Keep adding red wine if the stock becomes too low.  Season to taste, and perhaps add more lemon juice.*

Serves 3 or 4.  To make the casserole go further, just add more potatoes.
Total cost - £2.95

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