Wednesday 14 November 2012

Poached haddock fillet with an egg and 5 vegetables

2 haddock fillets (reduced from £4.84 to £1.19)
Milk for poaching
New potatoes (one of Aldi's super six, 39p)
Potatoes (storecupboard)
Parsnips "
Cabbage (one of Aldi's super six, 39p)
Broad beans (reduced)
2 eggs
Orange juice  (a dreg)

The reduced haddock fillets made a meal for two - one with baby new potatoes, and one with roast potatoes.

Peel and parboil the potatoes for roasting.  Drain, shake to fluff up the outsides and roast on a high heat for about 40 mins.  I put the potatoes in the oven first for ten minutes on 230C to get a good colour and crispness on them.

Prepare parsnips and carrots. Put a little butter and oil on them and put them in the oven with the potatoes, turn down to 200C or 190C.

Boil new potatoes.

Add a little fresh orange juice to the carrots and parsnips.  Season.  Back in the oven.

Cut the beans and cabbage and put in a microwavable dish with a little water.  Heat on full for two and half minutes or so.

Put the haddock in a microwavable dish.  Cover with milk and cover the dish.

Heat in the microwave for about 4 minutes.  Stop earlier to check if it is cooked and keep heating if not.  It's easy to overcook fish this way, and it always needs less time than you think!

Meanwhile poach an egg - I bring a large pan of water to the boil and add a little vinegar.  Crack the egg onto a plate and swirl and implement through the boiling water to create a little whirlpool.  Tip the egg into the whirlpool and cook for about a minute.  Then use a slotted spoon to rescue the egg.

Serve the egg on top of the haddock fillet, with the potatoes and veg.

Simple and surprisingly tasty!

(Served 2)

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