Saturday 28 August 2010


The smoked haddock fillets were in the freezer, a chilli in the fridge, the parsley was growing on the terrace and I bought the eggs and spring onions at the market.  Everything else was storecupboard.
The simple but delicious flavours of kedgeree are wonderful, and this dish is a very easy way to stretch few indgredients.  The more fish the better, but in this case I only had 200g which isn't much at all.  Needless to say, you can really include or omit anything when making this.  Smoked fish, eggs, parsley and lemon juice are classic components, but really once you have cooked some basmati rice properly you can fry it with anything.  For my next experimental crunch dish, I am going to use some rice with reduced turkey steaks and other fridge items, and see what happens!

Smoked haddock fillets (reduced by 75%, 62p)
Basmati rice (99p kilo bag, quarter used) 25p
Fresh green chilli
4 eggs - 20p each, 60p
4 spring onions 60p a bunch, half bunch used -30p
Lemon juice
Nutmeg, grated
Tandoori powder
Boil the eggs and cool. 

Wash and cook the rice.

Heat a little butter/margarine in a frying pan and add the fish (skin removed).

After a minute or so add the sliced spring onion and season with pepper.  Squeeze in a generous amount oif lemon juice.  Then add the chopped chilli, and sprinkle with nutmeg.

When cooked, add rice.  Add a gentle teaspoon of tandoori powder (ideally this would be turmeric!) and stir regularly.  When nearly ready, add sliced egg and chopped parsley.  Taste and add more lemon juice and salt if required.

This a most versatile dish which is perfect either hot or cold.  Have it hot for supper and cold for breakfast, after the flavours have infused overnight in the fridge.

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