Friday 27 August 2010

Oriental style roast vegetables

This was an attempt to make some reduced vegetables taste slightly different.  They were roasted with fresh chilli and typically oriental flavours to add zest to simple flavours.

Florets of broccoli and cauliflower (half price, 50p, half used)
Baby sweetcorn (reduced by 75%, 24p, half used)
Half red chilli (pack of 3 reduced by 50%, 24p)
half tsp pureed ginger
half tsp pureed garlic
salt & pepper

Mix pureed garlic and ginger with olive oil and pour over vegetables.  Stir and season.  Roast for 10 minutes.  Add sliced chilli.  Roast for further 15 minutes (times depend on oven temperature).

These tasty but simple roasted veg were served with two chicken breasts wrapped in streaky bacon with chipolatas and stuffing (reduced by 50% to £1.50).

Although this made a meal for one, it would really be intended for two, with more vegetables and some roast potatoes.

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