Monday 1 November 2010

Egg fried rice noodles with spring onion and chilli

I found a bag of rice noodles with spring onion, reduced from 1.19 to 35p.  With some very easy additions, this made a filling oriental style snack.

Rice noodles with spring onions - 35p
1 egg, beaten and seasoned - 20p
Little chilli paste
Sesame oil
Chopped coriander
Heat a little sesame oil in a pan.
Add the (ready cooked) rice noodles with spring onion.
Fry for five or six minutes, and add some chilli (fresh chopped would be ideal).
Make a little space in the middle of the pan, and pour in the beaten, seasoned egg.  Scramble the egg then stir through the noodles in the pan, and serve, sprinkled with coriander.

Total cost (served 2) - 55p

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