Tuesday 23 November 2010

Nigel Slater's Simple Suppers/ BBC Dig In

BBC1, 8.30 pm Weds 24 November
Nigel Slater's Simple Suppers

4/8 Series 2.
The chef reveals how to make feasts out of ingredients that have seen better days.  Stale bread, brown bananas and hard cheese are all transformed to make meals that are truly delicious, including cheese pudding, banana and chocolate cake, and bacon and squash pan fry.

The series is part of the BBC's Dig In campaign encouraging people to grow and cook their own food.

Here, you can watch exclusive clips from the new series of Nigel Slater's Simple Suppers.
The series features five dishes created by Nigel using the Dig In veg.

You can also print off the Dig In recipe booklet, browse more recipes and get top tips on growing and using herbs and vegetables.  Visit the blogs and message boards too.

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