Monday 8 November 2010

Haddock on watercress with sweet thyme carrots and chive mash

Fish and watercress were the reduced items, and of course the fish can be cooked any way you like, and with anything you have.  But here I have kept everything simple, as usual using things that I happen to have - in this case, chives and thyme.  The carrots were fantastic - a little butter and sugar really take them to a level of gourmet delight.


2 haddock fillets (reduced from 3.00 to 49p)
Bag watercress (reduced from 1.00 to 20p)
4 potatoes (in fridge) - 25p
Chopped chives (from pot on roof)
5 carrots (in fridge, had seen better days) - 20p
a splash or two of milk
brown sugar
lemon juice
few sprigs thyme (pot on roof)


Peel, quarter and boil the potatoes.

Slice carrots and season with salt, pepper and a tsp of brown sugar.  Heat a generous amount of butter in a dish in the oven and roast the carrots on a high heat for about 20 mins - 200, adding the time half way through cooking.

Pan fry the haddock, seasoned with olive oil, salt, pepper and lemon juice.

Wilt the watercress in a pan with a little butter.

Drain and mash the potatoes with butter, salt, pepper, milk and chopped chives.

Total cost (served 2) - 1.14


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