Wednesday 13 January 2010

King Prawn, Pepper & Crouton Salad

-Served two-
Mixed salad bag - 22p (75% off)
Stale ciabatta buns - 25p for 4 (one and a half used for this recipe)
2 packs ready cooked king prawns - £1.50 (reduced) & £1.00 (50% off)
Fresh pepper (left over in fridge, originally 4 for 59p at Aldi)

  • Slice stale ciabatta into crouton-sized pieces & gently fry in a non-stick pan, with olive oil, salt & pepper until crisp and slightly browned.
  • Slice pepper as desired.
  • Mix salad, croutons, prawns & pepper in a large salad bowl, seasoning with salt & pepper, and dressing with olive oil and lemon juice.

Total cost for raw ingredients: £3.02

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