Thursday 14 January 2010

Things to do with...Stale bread

Stale Bread
If you have a loaf or baguette that is past its best, leave it to dry out and become as hard as possible.  Then use a kitchen grater to create breadcrumbs.  Store in an air-tight container, and use them as required - to make a crust for fish or meat, to thicken soups or as a topping for a pasta bake or savoury crumble.

If bread isn't fresh enough to eat as a sandwich, remember it can always be toasted.  Keep some staple preserves - jam, Marmite, olive tapenade, honey, lime pickle and you can have a quick snack for virtually nothing.

A stale baguette or ciabatta is great sliced, toasted and made into bruschetta.  Rub a cut garlic clove onto the toasted bread, and top with chopped tomatoes, finely chopped garlic and drizzle with olive oil and a little lemon juice.  Add fresh chopped basil if you can, or use basil-infused olive oil.  Be generous with salt and pepper.

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